Thoughts of a young Singaporean

As I mentioned in my earlier posts a couple of days ago, I have been politically apathetic for a long time, about 21 years to be frank. 2 weeks ago, I still haven’t had the slightest clue about which party to vote for, and even thought of forfeiting my vote. To put it simply, I didn’t care about whichever party that wins. It didn’t seem important to me in the past and present, and I reckon so for the future as well.

Thankfully, during the last day of my school, the whole class was buzzing with the upcoming general elections. And at that point in time, I was still clueless about whatever was going on, and just nodded my head when I saw my classmates agreeing with one another about the rally news. It was then when I felt too ignorant, and as a Singaporean, a young one, the supposed pillars of our society, I figured its never too late to catch up with the ongoing news about the election. With that, I began to start youtubing rallies by the various parties, read the newspapers (on a daily basis) about the elections (I don’t suscribe to the Straits Times so reading about it daily has been a big step), googling and visiting the GE website for latest updates about the elections and so on.

I must say that, one of the push factors, besides the excitement in school, would be the fact that a young Singaporean, only 24 years old, is actually an Opposition candidate and she is doing a great job at that. That put me to shame, simply because I’m only 2 years younger yet what do I know about politics? Shame – not in the sense that I should participate in the politics too, but rather I should be aware of what’s happening around me, afterall I’m a Singaporean. Continue reading

Nicole Seah at National Solidarity Party’s first rally

Nicole Seah – the 24 year-old Singaporean who made a big hoo-ha on the news recently, especially Facebook, delivered her speech at NSP’s first rally last night.

Despite many comments or rather sneers from the online community about Nicole Seah being too emotional in her speech, or all talk and no action, I’m still in awe as she’s willing to take up a challenge, which few Singaporeans dare to do so, which is to speak up for the people.

Singaporeans, it might seem like things are suddenly taking a turn for the better in the past month. Suddenly, national issues are being addressed, you’ve quick fix solutions that are presented in the blink of an eye. Then, the question I want to ask the PAP is – WHAT HAPPENED IN THE PAST 5 YEARS?

Our GST increased to 7%. They say they want to help the poor, well let me tell you something. 1.9 billion dollars was generated from the increase. But only 0.4 BILLION DOLLARS was distributed to the poor. WHERE DID THE REST OF THE MONEY GO?

Since when did public housing became so expensive? Now, couples are settling down at a later age because they do not want the burden of the huge debt to pay off their houses. Public housing indeed. The NSP promises compassionate lower prices for 1st time home owners, and we will not use upgrading as a carrot to win Singaporeans over.

Singaporeans, this is your money. So can someone remind us why we are still so scared of the PAP? We are not scared anymore! And we will not be afraid! So I ask you one thing, for the next 5 years, do you want a fresh coat of paint in your void deck or do you want a voice to speak up for you in parliament?

Vote for the party that will speak up for you. Not the one that threatens you with fear. Because You, the Singaporeans deserves to be heard! Continue reading